The Break-Up Diet

Made in Chelsea’s Julia Pollard on the Art of Moving On

Season 1 Episode 7

What happens when heartbreak meets humor? Join us for a heartfelt and humorous chat with the ever-candid Julia Pollard, or Jules as we lovingly call her. Jules brings her sharp wit to the table as we navigate the stormy seas of breakups and dating mishaps. Prepare for laughter and a bit of introspection as Jules shares her tips for surviving post-breakup blues, including her amusing tales of drunk dialing exes out of culinary loneliness and the odd comfort she finds with ex-partners over fleeting situationships. You might just find a piece of your own story in hers, making this conversation both entertaining and cathartic.

Ever been blindsided by betrayal? We dive headfirst into the messy reality of infidelity and the rocky road to rebuilding trust. Julia opens up about the painful saga of being cheated on multiple times, highlighting the conflicting dance between love and denial. With stories that might hit close to home, we confront the difficult truths and the importance of acknowledging betrayal when it signs its name all over your relationship. This discussion is a raw, real look at how past wounds can haunt new loves and the vital steps we must take to mend our hearts without dragging old ghosts into new romances.

Finding happiness after heartbreak isn't just possible; it's transformative. Jules delves into her journey of self-care and personal growth, painting a vivid picture of healing through returning to her roots and embracing the glow-up. From facing life’s additional curveballs like housing hiccups and the loss of a pet, she emerges stronger and more confident, refusing to let past hurts dim her shine. Experience her inspiring story of finding new love and happiness, a testament to the power of resilience and self-discovery. If you're in need of a pick-me-up, this episode is your reminder that joy and strength await on the other side of heartbreak.

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Hi welcome Julia.


Hey guys, good to have you here. Welcome to the Breakup Diet Guys.


Thank you for having me.


So who are you? Why are you on the Breakup Diet?


So my name is Julia Pollard Jules, and I'm on the Breakup Diet because I have so many stories and I just kind of hate men.


Buckle up bitches. This is going to get bumpy. This is the breakup diet. I think we should play like Never have I Ever but breakup edition. Love it. So to you, julia, obviously they're all to you, they're all to you.


You're on the hot seat, Guys. I love questions.


I love it Go Okay. Never have I Ever lied to my family and friends like after a breakup about my feelings, of how I actually feel yes, I have all the time.


Um, yeah, so I feel like, do I have to give background stories? You can do whatever you want, whatever feels natural. Oh god, I'm trying to think. I've told so many porkies in the past, though, about, like, how I've felt after a relationship. I mean, I say that I've only had one relationship. Yeah, I think I pretended like I don't care, but I really have cared. Yeah, it's like, it's like that. I feel like everyone does that, though. Yeah, it's like when you're speaking to someone, I don't want to bore them with saying how much, like how depressed I am.


You know, I don't want to look like too much of a victim.


If you've been dumped by an ugly like a proper ugly man, yeah, that's the thing and also like in my case, because my ex cheated on me so many times, it's like it was almost like and I took him back, so it's almost like what do you expect? Then I ended up getting dumped and it's like I felt like I couldn't even protect, like, be sad to, like my friends and family because they're like well, what do you expect?


Yeah, that's the hardest though. Like when you feel like you can't be, but you can't help that you feel sad. That's the thing You're very experienced in the ugly man department Ilma.


Like you can't even play smash or pass with them.


It's just like pass, pass pass.


No, I'm pass, pass, no, I'm dead. You know, on one of the earlier episodes, ilma was like should we play smash or pass with your friends? I'm like no, ilma, you'd freaking smash all of them. I know it to be honest, to be honest, and I feel like they'd let me.


It's like the easy smash. Never have I, ever, drunk, call my ex in the middle of the night.


So many times we used to like make loads of yummy food together, so like no.


So you want to get cooking? Yeah, you want to get cooking.


I want nice food, yeah, you know, but that's a big excuse.


Go to a restaurant. It's been a very long time since I did drunk call.


Have you only drunk called a like proper ex, or would you drunk call a situationship?


no, you know what I've never drunk called a situationship like it's really weird. Like with an ex like you feel so comfortable because it's been so long that you've spent with them, but with a situationship like my ego's so much like I have such an ego in that like sort of department so it's like I don't want to call you because like what if you never respond to me? But if my ex doesn't respond to me I'd like. It's like you don't care.


I don't care, because it's been so long yeah, the gods are really up with situations.


It's interesting, isn't?


it, yeah, and they really like affect you. They get you down.


Bad those situations, yeah, we always say that we think a situation should break up is worse oh yeah divorce. I can attest to that you're lying, you're lying you'd be married, divorce by divorce never have I ever done a drive past where I my ex's house like either specifically walked past it or driven past it to see if they see you.


I've only walked past it, not for them to see me. I actually haven't wanted him to see me at all, because it's usually been when I've looked horrendous. However, I've walked past it like once, because I was like, oh, throw back, and I was in the area. Okay, I was in the area, your legs took over. No, they did like. Honestly, my legs took me there like I wasn't even aware, and then I walked past.


I was like what would you have done if he came out? Was like what are you doing looking in my house?


I'm a prospective buyer. Yeah, I don't know what I would have said, I was just gonna. I don't know what I would have done. I'd have been really embarrassed. So was this a long time after the breakup? Yes, yes, this. Oh, after the breakup, for like a good year I could not even go into that area where he lived. Like even all the like clubs and all of that couldn't go there because it was like triggering. But now, I mean now I wouldn't really care to walk past, like now I'm over it. It's been so long, but maybe I stumbled past the house once or twice.


Never have I ever blocked an ex on socials yeah, yeah, are you blocking?


every time you break up with someone, are you blocking?


them, or um, actually no, like I've blocked on um Instagram once, but thing is is when you break up with someone, you kind of want them to see you thriving no, it's always great when the haters see you. Yeah, exactly, it's like I want you to see me doing well. However, at the start of the breakup I I I had to block. I was like I couldn't see because also he was posting like girls and all this and the story. It's like I don't want to see that. How long did you block for?


uh, like a day, oh I'll be honest.


Yeah, yeah, not long. I'm not good with that. I'm like. I like a backbone.


I don't have one thank god you're here on the breakup diet we, we build them yeah, exactly, but no, yeah, block for a day, and then I'm blocked that's just not worth it.


You need to block for like a week or like longer a month because I can't do it.


What made you unblock? I think I'd had a few drinks on a night out and I thought and you wanted food, and I wanted some food.


That's exactly what it was you don't have uber eats on your phone no, no, absolutely not.


So I just thought, yeah, I have to unblock you um, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, you're gonna eat. Yeah, exactly, honestly. So just quick interlude this was like a year ago. This was like a long, long time ago.


This kind of leads me on to my next. Never have I ever, never have I ever gone on a date just for free food and drinks.


You know what? Okay, a lot of my friends do this. I'm not outing any of them, but a few of them do. However, I actually don't go on dates. What do?


you do Straight to bed.


You're almost I find it so much effort going out on a date Like I'd rather just order food myself, like I'd rather just pay for it myself and order it myself. I get you, so where are you seeing them? Well, look, I will go to the bar, like we'll go for a drink. But I only go on dates if I genuinely like the guy. Like I would never go just for free food or drinks. I'm so lazy when it comes to the guy department. It's actually really bad. What do you mean? You're so late, like I'm just like I can't be bothered. Why would I take the time out of my day? Right, obviously I'm very busy with no job, but why would I take the time out of my day to go and see you? And chances are we won't like you'll just be weird and boring yeah, there's nothing worse than a boring date yeah so how do you meet men then?


well, this is my issue.


I kind of don't I'm actually on the same stage as you, where a date is not worth it for me free food is just not an incentive for me. Like you said, we can get the food ourselves I can order my wing stop myself, you know like I don't need genuinely like a nice restaurant experience. I'd rather go with you guys yeah, exactly I'd rather dress up for you guys and take cute pictures together instead of the stupid man. And then what?


yeah, a hundred percent. I'm like the exact same.


I would think it's fun like getting dressed up, not all the time, but like getting dressed up no, you don't know if they like you don't know if them you like, them.


The anticipation it is like I remember and obviously I have been on a date in the past, like I'm not a weirdo, but it's like I remember going and I would just be like you're kind of not making me laugh right now, like I'd rather just go with the girls, because the girls make me laugh and also the girls aren't gonna break my heart no, exactly you know, but the guys are showing up to a date.


Hotter than date, funnier than the date more interesting than the date what is it in it for me?


that chicken nuggets just not gonna do it, you know, and also, my issue is is, if I'm going on a date, right, I don't want to eat in front of you because I'm like I get embarrassed, I get like I get really nervous eating on a first date. So what's a good date for?


you zoomer, so a restaurant yeah, I don't go on dates, but a good date for you, zuma.


So a restaurant. Yeah, you're like I don't go on dates, but a good date for me would be taken to a restaurant. Yeah, take me to Zuma and then we'll be fine. So, julia, have you ever had a breakup?


Yes, I have. I've had one breakup. I've only ever had one boyfriend and it's the worst thing I've ever experienced. It was so bad. It kind of has made me terrified to ever get in a relationship again, because also there was so much like back and forth, like we broke up what 2021? I think, oh, my god, it's now.


Oh, we broke up 2022, that's ages, yeah, yeah anyway, it's now 2024 and it's like to be fair. I got over it beginning of 2024. That's since then I've been over it, but that took me what? Like two years. That's insane, yeah. What happened? Oh well, like okay, so I got cheated on like a thousand times.


Thing is yeah it was once wasn't enough for him.


He was like, let's just keep going yeah oh she hasn't found out yet, let's keep going. But the thing is, is he never once admitted to me that he cheated? But there's guys there's so many like red flags and you know, when you break up, you look back at the relationship and you're like wait, you obviously did that and like when I was questioning you, that was obviously true.


You know, like when he's denying everything and it's just mental with the like you know, when you said you looked back on it now, yeah, was there smoke? You know what. You know when people say there's no smoke without fire. Yeah, so had you been before you officially found out and you guys broke up, had you, did you have like, did people message you? Did you have like I don't know? Did you see him out one time and he was like giving eyes?


yeah, yeah, yeah. So I um. I remember actually I got a call from um, one of my really good friends, um, she was dating his best friend at the time. So also like the loyalty she would have had, loyalties to his best friend, right, but it shows that clearly like how much of the story like that the story really was true when she told me because that got her in a lot of trouble. I remember she called me and she basically told me like a rumor of of my ex um, like inviting some girl over to his place.


This is while I was like we were fully boyfriend and girlfriend and I was like I was like this was the first time I'd had and I had any inkling that he was doing anything. I was like you're taking the piss. He denied it obviously. He was like no, so but the thing is that like actually breaks my heart is I was so in love with him actually throughout the whole you know relationship. I was so in love with the guy that each time something would come up like I had multiple stories that you know he was seen out with this, like with girls in the club, and that's just the stories I heard. But I just allowed it because I was so in love with him. Like it's actually really sad like I was such a great girlfriend.


So you, so you let, even though when you heard these things you just kind of like brushed them off because you didn't want to hear it, and just kept trying to trust him.


Yeah, that's the thing it's like. I just didn't want to believe it because I was like surely, surely you can't do that to someone, like be such a person to be able to cheat on your, your partner, like it's it's meant. I just didn't understand. He'd always have like a story like well, no, it's his sister. His sister came over and they were like that's why her bag was in a video. Like he'd accidentally sent me once a video and there was a, a prada bag in the background and um, this is some detective shit from julia julia's like.


I saw this tiny snippet of this prada bag. That's not mine I I saw this Prada bag.


I have better taste. Literally, I was like that's really ugly. Anyway, I saw this bag and then you're like hold on, no, honestly, I remember this was like back in the Snapchat days, okay, so this was a while ago. I remember looking and he'd sent me like a Snapchat video and I saw this Prada bag and it was like 4 am right and he. But I saw this bag in the video and I tried calling him so many times he wasn't answering. His story was that it was his friend's sister came round. Apparently, his friend's sister was an interior designer, so she wanted to come round to check out the interior design of the house Wait at four o'clock in the morning.


I am.


No, I swear, no, I swear, and I actually kind of believed it and I ended up apologizing for having a go at him.


Yeah, by the way, guys, later down the line I found out this friend doesn't even have a sister so how have you not taken in you know all this sort of past trauma into your relationships now, or are you?


no, I think. Um, that's one thing I was worried about. The first guy I probably started dating a little bit after my ex, like I did. You know, I it the past trauma kind of kept on resurfacing and I'd go through like instagrams, I do everything like I was a bit of a stalker. But then now it's like I've learned if you haven't given me a reason not to trust you, like I'm going to trust you.


I think that's kind of my motto now, otherwise it will eat me alive that's such a mature way to go into it, because it's really hard to do that, to let go of the other things yeah, when you start off dating someone and you don't trust them, it just ruins anything before it's even happened.


So it's like, why am I going to ruin that? Because I remember I took my ex back after he cheated on me rookie error and um, it just made me go crazy. Like each time we'd go out, each time, especially after I'd had a drink just all the emotions would come out. I'd be like, well, you did this, you did this, and he would get annoyed because he'd be like you keep bringing it up and it's like, if you're gonna take someone back, you need to be over it it has to be a clean slate, otherwise it's not fair on on any of you stuff that clean slate shit.


Sorry if they cheated on you. I'm gonna hold it. And every time I do get drunk I'm gonna be like you yeah, yeah, but if I want to stay with them then, after like a month, two months of hazing.


Yeah, then you let it go, yeah once you find out a guy cheats on you, never go back because you think it's gonna change and you're like oh well, because I found out, you know he won't do it again. Oh my god, they will do it again 10 times more, 10 times like uglier girls.


Yeah, they just get worse and worse, because also it's the girls like sorry.


I've stalked like definitely one instagram of a girl I know for a fact. You know that he had fun with. I've stalked her and I'm like wait why?


why, like? No, I don't think it's about that. I think it's just the pure excitement of doing it. Yeah, the thrill of getting caught yeah, I, yeah.


I think that's what it is. There's so many guys I know that have cheated and I'm just like how, when you have like a stunning girlfriend sat at, home.


I don't think it's to do with the looks of the girlfriend asshole. I don't think it has anything to do with the actual girlfriend I think it's the personality thing?


yeah, it must be it's also just cheating.


For me is just, it's a choice. Yeah, we'll stop, like everybody's gonna have that choice if they go out is whether you take it or not yeah, I go for older guys now. Oh, that's the thing it's about that way that was a bit of a flex that you're doing right now you're like I go for the other guys.


I will never go for a guy my age again, because it's like they're still in that clubbing era julia, what for you, is cheating like?


what's the line? And do you think the line is different when it's a boyfriend and when it's a situationship?


yeah, I think now, because I've had time to grow and learn, I think the line is a bit different, because eg, for example, this guy I was dating, um like a few months ago. He, um, we were. It was literally just like a situation ship, like we'd been away together, holiday romance, sleeping together.


We were sleeping together, great sex you know who you are, you know exactly who you are.


Do you share?


no, no no, I can't say who I can't say who.


As in, do you share the man?


well, will you pass on absolutely not um, we came back to London and I saw he'd liked. It was actually so embarrassing from my side so I'd liked a girl's photo. What? Type of photo okay, to be fair, who was it? Oh, it was a girl that he had previously taken out on a date. No, that's the thing, it's because it previously taken her out. So and then I'm once again an instagram stalker how did you know that he'd taken her out?


because I'd heard like um, some of the boys had told me and I'd like I already knew about it was it a recent photo or was it?


it was a recent photo, but he already like down.


It was a recent photo, but he already like. He follows her on Instagram, like or did follow her. I don't know if he still does. I actually don't know because I haven't done my stalking in a while. Anyway, I should probably do that tonight. But yeah, no, he'd liked her photo and I was like you know what, fuck this? I'm like you're still, you're liking a girl's photo that you took out on a date. So then I I suddenly went in and kissed someone else.


Anyway, besides the point, the revenge kiss, the revenge kiss. That was not great. Shouldn't have done that. Anyway, besides the point, now, if it happened, I would let it slide because we're not. It's just like a situation ship. It was just you know. But back then I don't know what I think I was still a bit traumatized from my ex. That's why it triggered me so much when I saw he had liked a girl's photo, because I was like it just reminded me of my like, previous relationship. But now I feel like if you're just casually dating someone, I do think they're allowed to like an Instagram photo.


It's not nice to see but it's like I can't get angry, I can't go kiss someone else.




Like I did last time. Growth, exactly growth. Don't kiss another guy if they like a photo. Okay, but I do. Yeah, I think things are very different in a relationship. Sorry, you're not liking girls' Instagram thirst traps.


None, that is embarrassing?


Absolutely none. Girls. Instagram thirst traps that is embarrassing absolutely none, not even, oops, accidentally did it, no, because. Also I find it. When I post a photo and I see like a guy that has a girlfriend and I see he's liked my photo, I laugh about it. I actually sit there and I'm like how embarrassing for the girl. I have this amazing for him.


Um, so I I'm like going along stalking my fake account. Oh new follower. Okay, girl, let's go in I go, yeah, okay then told my friend hmm, something doesn't feel good.


Nothing's on there but can't see anything. She goes stalks from her main account. Sees that my situation ship like to be fair was a situationship, but we were dating for like a long time, so like fair anyway, like over six months. Yeah, anyway, sees my situationship had liked not a recent photo. This is why I asked but maybe six down on the grid and you know what the photo was, what? What Lingerie like bodysuit, like this. So in my rage, I screenshotted it from my account. So I went on my account to double check that it was still there. Seen that he'd liked it. Not a recent one. Only just followed her recently. Okay, sent it to him and said what a nice photo to like.


I've done that. I've done that Like forward the photo. But the thing is is like, if it's pissing you off, I think it's healthy to tell them that you're aware about it.


Yeah, because otherwise you bottle it up, yeah, and it comes out worse.


Exactly, and that's a thing I've learned as well. In the past I bottled things up and then I ended up well. That I ended up well. That was actually just with the situation ship. I ended up fucking things up because that's when I went and, you know, got with someone else because I bottled up so much. But now if something pisses me off, I'll just say it wow, you've had a lot of growth. I have, like I've learned a lot, guys, I know what I stand for. I know what I don't?


don't stand for cheaters so with the first breakup did you have any go-to's that you did? So you got broken up. So you got broken up with on the monday dumped you. How did he dump?


you? How did he dump me? Oh, he dumped me um outside my flat at least you're at home, though yeah, well, not in my flat outside, just he didn't care to come in um.


He's like no, this will be quick, sorry I remember, yeah, literally it was like two minutes. It was like two minutes. I remember my own friend was inside and I came back in and she was like jules, you've been outside for two seconds. I was like, yeah, I know I've been dumped. It was really weird, like my reaction when he like finally broke up with me. It was almost like a sense of relief. The start of the relationship I was like the happiest I've ever been, and then towards the end, I was just miserable. And so when he broke up with me, it was like it was like a part of me like was relieved. I remember I didn't cry and I said nothing. He was just like, yeah, can't do this anymore. And I was like, okay, yeah, and then I just walked in back to my flat and then I burst out crying.


I was actually thinking about this the other day, the when he broke up with me. I was also going through other stuff. I was actually thinking I was like how could you like you know, I'm like, for example, even like when you're trying to move, like I was trying to, I had no like my flat, my lease was coming to an end. He knew that and I hadn't found another flat yet and I was like meant to stay at his and it's like the week before he just kind of dumped me and it's just stuff like that I was just thinking about like how could you just I don't know, I felt like it was quite mean Like I had nowhere to go, dumped and homeless.


So I was dumped and homeless, wait it's kind of you, yeah, divorced and homeless, happy.


But oh, my God, cheers to that. There's so many similarities.


Yeah, I was going to say it's like, and also one of the most stressful things apparently, is having like, like trying to move, moving flat and trying to find a place. And, bearing in mind that month I got dumped, my dog died, oh yeah my dog died I know I couldn't find a flat. I got dumped. It was like the worst. And then I found out the girl he cheated on me with. He flew to London. She flew to London to stay with him in all in that same month.


Guys, I've genuinely never been so depressed in my life but to be fair, maybe it's so horrible, but maybe you know it all came at once and now it's all upwards sailing oh yeah, no, it was definitely a blessing in disguise, like I, I needed to.


That relationship wasn't healthy, so you?


so you cried. And then what did you do? Did you go to the gym like oh no, I went.


You eat a lot after what was your diet?


like you know, know it doesn't have to be related to food, but it could be like yeah, I um.


What did I do so at the start? Oh my god, I was going out every night, to be honest, in the hopes that I would bump into him, like at the very start. I'd like go to the clubs like revenge dress on revenge dress on like, but the ones I knew he'd be at.


But then this is why it's a blessing in disguise I had to move back to my family home because I'd moved out of my flat and I was out of London for like a month or two months and obviously out of sight, out of mind. And guys, I went home, I was exercising every day, eating well, my mum was cooking me amazing healthy food. And then I remember coming back to London like a few months later, and I genuinely think if I didn't go home and take the time to like heal, I would have been in such a bad way, guys. I came back to London. I was looking great and I was just like so fit and healthy and happy. But then when I moved back, I fell back into that circle again.


London traps you. London's really difficult for heartbreak it really is.


It really is, but no, at the start I was just trying to stalk him also did you?


yeah, I was gonna say, when you came back into london, did you find that like you'd walk down a street and be like, oh, he used to hold my hand on this?


road, oh no. So that's the thing. Like I couldn't walk around that area he lived in horrible oh, it was honestly the worst thing I've ever experienced. That's why it's like but right now I'm happy, like I'm kind of speaking to someone yeah someone um so and I'm really happy like he's just like. You know, when like someone's just a man, like this guy I'm dating is like just a man and I'm like that's hot, it's so hot, love it.


Oh, happy for you. So do you feel like the past, the trauma, all of that you've healed. You're not bringing any of that shit to what you're now now, I'm not in the past how?


how have you, like, made that conscious decision, like, have you done anything to be able to do that? Because, to be fair, if that happened to me, I'm I'm probably a bit spiteful.


I would probably still hold on to it yeah, that's the thing, like I just I just realized it's not healthy like I was, like it's. It drives me crazy when, if I don't trust someone, that's when I fuck it up and I fuck something that could have been good up and it's like I don't want to do that again and ruin something that could be really good.


That's so wise yeah, I know I'm like I'm like jesus better than our advice. You know what?


is I've it's only been up until recently, like the last, like the last two months since, like july I think, I've been like just this change woman, like my, my aura is just great. I'm so happy. Self-plug, self-plug guys. I'm amazing. It's like I'm just so happy at the minute. Do you know what? I feel like you need to be fully over them and happy within yourself to even be able to date someone in like a healthy manner at the beginning of the episode you said the only thing that helped you get over the breakup was meeting somebody else yeah, but that was at the start, okay, but also but that's where I remember fucking things up at the start with a guy I was dating because I was like so still like, still thinking, thinking about the ex.


Then I took time. I didn't date someone for quite a while, to be fair, but it was nice to know in the past, when I did start dating someone new after my ex, that I could like someone else like I think that was a big thing for me because I feel like a lot of girls like my friends have had this as well. It's like it's just nice to know that you can actually like someone what would you um suggest for somebody going through a breakup?


yeah, so don't. I wouldn't hang around the you know your mutual friends because it's just like you know it needs to be out of sight, out of mind.


Although you want to know the tea about them, you don't, you don't like you don't want to.


Oh, where is he? Oh, he's out with this girl. I don't want to know that, absolutely not. I'd also recommend leaving the city. To be honest, that's what helped me moving out of London and then going to the gym. You need to get fit. You need your revenge bod, um, because what if you're hot like you're invincible? You're invincible like you can't. There's like, there's only like so, like much, what's the word?


like you can't be that upset if you're hot just get really fit and the glow that you have after a breakup, oh my god, it's like it, it's you.


You look like a different person, like, okay, maybe not like the first month, but after a few months I came back to london looking like a model but I just had such a glow up and I think, yeah, just make sure and block them, block, block, block can't relate, but block no contact is the best way.


No contact, no stress.


That's why your skin glows genuinely exactly recently my skin's gotten great how many years later you're like that is still coming from the breakup two years later, my skin is great it will come in time, guys. The breakup, that's a commitment well, thank you so much, julia, you have taught us loads.


Genuinely, I'm so inspired.


By you, yeah you're like giving the mature answer?


yeah, well, no, this is what I'm saying. If this was a few months back, I think the answers would be very different. I've enjoyed being here, guys thank you so much.


I feel like I needed this.


This is like a therapy session for me, and it's also made me realize like whoa, damn, I've come far. This is a slave you have, I have oh, you deserve this.


Wish you all the best.

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