The Break-Up Diet

Ellie Dean - “healthy men are NEVER on Love Island”

Yasmin Misner and Ilma Shahrene Season 1 Episode 21

Ever wondered how reality TV shapes our understanding of social dynamics? Join us as we chat with Ellie Dean, the TikTok sensation who's redefining celebrity news with her sharp insights on shows like Love Island. Ellie brings her unique perspective on reality TV, breaking down how these programs offer a lens into human behavior and emotions. We also dive into the trials of dating in London, as Ellie shares her journey of juggling a high-pressure career with the search for genuine connection and peace.

Heartbreak becomes a transformative experience as we explore the highs and lows of navigating breakups in the age of social media. Through Ellie’s candid reflections on past relationships, we uncover the emotional aftermath of seeing an ex move on and the importance of therapy in cultivating self-awareness and growth. Discover how letting go of past connections—especially on social platforms—can lead to creative expression and newfound motivation, as Ellie channels her experiences into compelling TikTok content that resonates with many.

From dissecting parental influences on romantic choices to playful speculation about Love Island couples, we cover it all. Our conversation takes a thoughtful turn as we discuss the importance of investing in mental health and avoiding the pitfalls of rebound relationships. Finally, we touch on the theatrical antics of Curtis and Ekin, questioning where reality ends and performance begins. Join us for a flavorful discussion that promises a mix of introspection, laughter, and a glimpse into the whirlwind world of modern dating.

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Ready? Yes, well, welcome to the Breakup Diet. This week. We have a really exciting guest, ellie. I'm looking there, right, yeah, so this is your camera, this is our camera. So we have a really exciting guest, ellie Dean, hello, thank you for having me.


Welcome to the.

Ellie Dean:

Breakup Diet. I'm excited I'm going to catch your accents, I think.


Yeah, you can start speaking in own words. I'm a friend of it, think. Yeah, you can start speaking in our own.

Ellie Dean:

I actually, might you know really do.


You do that, I do that yeah, I catch accents so easily.

Ellie Dean:

If I go up north to see my friend, like by the time I come down it's I'm northern yeah, I love that.


Would you like to tell us a bit about you to start off, so the listeners know?

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, God, where do I start? So I'm Ellie Dean. I am a full-time TikToker at the moment and I mainly just report on celeb news, but it's usually around reality TV and dating programs. So at the moment I'm focusing a lot on Love Island because, as much as people say they don't like it, they very much do.

Ellie Dean:

I love, yeah, I'm so, I'm so invested on reality tv like I watch so much you just need to watch it to forget about your own problems for a bit and focus on someone else's buckle up, bitches, it's gonna get bumpy.


This is, this is the Breakup Diet.

Ellie Dean:

So much about someone's psychology by how they process what's going on a reality tv program and how they actually see things, and I actually think it's really interesting, psychology wise, and you like pick up things about different people and actually learn what's okay and what's not by what other people are saying.


So I've never thought about that, but that's really interesting.

Ellie Dean:

No intelligent people watch reality tv because it's a form of digital social anthropology yeah, that's what it is, you just dropped it is true, yeah, yeah, I don't even know if I can say it, but I agree anthropology social, digital based anthropology because you're studying the human behavior at its purest form yeah, it's true. I know it's edited, but you're still getting an idea of what someone's like and placing some sort of judgment on them and conversing with people about how they're behaving, so I think and to understand other people's emotions.


I'm sorry, that's an intelligent person thing yeah, it is, it's true. That's actually very true, yeah you have a wider perspective on how to react on certain things exactly or sometimes you can just find someone that you can relate to in these shows.

Ellie Dean:

Exactly that's so true that's so true, like, I'm sure, watching any like when someone's upset about a breakup, or like you see how they react to things and it makes you feel better about how you're reacting to a certain situation, yeah, so, yeah, I don't think it's all a waste of time. Reality TV.


It's not a waste of time because men don't like us having fun.

Ellie Dean:

That's what it is. That's true. That's true too. Yeah, what are your favorite reality TV programs?


I mean I watch them all Like I'm like Love Island. I watched Molly tv programs. I mean I watch them all like I'm like love island. Um, I watched molly mays. I watched um go dating celebs go dating. Yes, I like that. That doesn't come out that often, does it?

Ellie Dean:

no, I don't feel like it's on as much. I didn't watch the most recent one because I got quite bored with it.


I'm not gonna lie it just wasn't that spicy yeah, I get, I agree, I agree and too hot to handle, but I also feel like that. Um was really really juicy.


The first couple yeah, that first season was the most like innovative television I've ever seen. In my life I have never seen anything that intelligent actually it's true that was a while ago, though yeah, ages 2020. That was a prime covid like binge watch that's why it came out.

Ellie Dean:

Then they were like right today, well now is the time it makes sense.


Everyone was locked in and horny, that is true signs of the time that is so true.

Ellie Dean:

I actually didn't watch the second season, but I heard a lot about it and at that time I wasn't reporting on like tv. Then I was just reporting on my own dating life, because I actually had one, whereas I just don't so well, let's get back into your dating life.


What, where are we? Yeah, what are you right now?

Ellie Dean:

single, in every single form and in every single way, and I don't even know how to get myself even slightly out of the singleness. I'm with you. I'm with you. It's scary, yeah. Like I feel like I'm just stuck here, but I'm not mad about it, like I'm happy it's peaceful, but at the same time I would like a little bit of affection, like it's the compromising peace thing.


That's kind of hard, yeah, and also we've got such a set routine with our career, it's true it's true, we let people in. How do we let people?

Ellie Dean:



I don't know I don't. And London is it's dating scene is weird, it's hard boring.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, like it's not fun. It seems more like a chore. Like oh, I have to go on dating apps and like I have to go on dates. Like it's not. I don't say it's not giving, but like it's just not giving yes, it is not giving like.


Do you think it's harder for you to date? Now, because you're like you know you're commenting on people on reality tv and stuff, and then you're like, oh my god, men are trash, or you know what I mean, or something like this. Or you see all these scandals and you're like, does that make you more scared?

Ellie Dean:

kind of I feel like they are gonna what's not recruit, what's the word?


pick people.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, they're just gonna pick people on tv shows that aren't healthy, because the healthy men just aren't that interesting to watch. We don't see the healthy men, even if they're on a date and show. You're seeing the ones with the red flags, because they bring more drama and therefore they bring more views. So I'm hoping there's some out there. I just don't know where they are.


I don't know where to find them. Fair, you also don't know where to find them also.


It's the time. Where is the time to find? Them like it's true with our line of work. It's like film edit repeat yeah over and over again, there's no. And then you've got to brainstorm and, yeah, you can't be hung over.


I feel like on first dates you normally get so well, I would get so wasted I know that sounds really bad, but like you could do because you're nervous you're drinking and then you forget, and then you have so much fun because goggles you know like and you're like after maybe the sixth date. You're like, do I like him? But yeah, we can't be hung over. I can't be hung over now that's true.

Ellie Dean:

I mean I actually went. I did a like a course on blind dates, so I was set up on like four blind dates.


It was quite fun wait, you need to explain that. So you what it's a course and you like it was.

Ellie Dean:

They reached out to me because I was commenting on my own day in life a lot, so they were like, do you want to try this thing where I actually met like the manager of the company? She asked me loads of questions about me and what I was after, and then yeah, every now. And then she'll be like, are you free for a day on this day? And then, yeah, I just go and meet some random guy. Um no, success.


No, um, were they weird. That gave that gave me weird you went. No, it's been weird you went. No, they were. It's like the sorry this is. Celebs go dating. They're all a bit weird that go on it, but the celebs have to go on it.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, that's true, it is true. Right, why are they picking such weird people? I don't know, maybe it's only us weird ones. Yeah, the ones that I went on date. The first guy wasn't bad. He was just a bit bland and I'm a bit kooky, so we just weren't clicking. And the second one was a bit too kooky and I was like, oh, you're just a bit too much for me. But it was a nice experience, especially because we're so used to first impressions physical-wise nowadays. It was nice just not to have any of that and like she'd give you a breakdown a little bit on who the person was before you go. So yeah, even like in London now, meeting people in person just feels impossible, like even in a bar. I don't feel like people approach people in bars anymore. People just stare at each other.


No, I feel like if men did do it now, they would stand out from the other ones and they'd probably get laid so much more.

Ellie Dean:

Oh yeah, it's true, yeah, you know, yeah, for sure. But, they don't do that.


Talking about men have you ever had a breakup?

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, oh God, my dating life from the age of like 16 to 21 was just absolutely awful. That was my last breakup when I was 21, 22, so like three, four years ago now, are you?


still scarred from it.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, Just like my whole. I've just had a lot of issues that didn't resolve properly. So every relationship that I got into was just another bad one and I wasn't learning from it. So then the last breakup that I had, I just didn't date anyone for a long time and then I recently found out that he's started seeing my old housemate, who was like there when we were together quite a lot. So that kind of kicked me into going into therapy because I kind of realized how bad the relationship actually was and saw it for what it was, because I realized that he had lied quite a bit about the things that he was saying.


So I started did they get together, do you think, when you were like with him I?

Ellie Dean:

suspected that he fancied her and that she might fancy him when we were together.


It's always sorry, but that's always the case. You have the gut feeling, like women.

Ellie Dean:

You have a feeling yeah, and they're like no, like no way, yeah well, I never said anything because I, as I said, I was an idiot back then and I never said anything but mainly because he would complain about her quite a lot and like call her boring yes, that's what they do.


They like bad mouth them.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah so, and he was, we complained about a lot of other things, a lot. And then I was like, oh well, that's why, because he was lying about that, he was just projecting, so lying about a lot of things and I was like, well, I think I'm probably a bit fucked up from this situation. So I was like let's just stop into therapy and see what's going on with me. But I've learned so much since going into therapy like I would seriously, like I'd recommend it to anyone, just to like understand yourself a bit better and like your thought patterns being self-aware is so important.

Ellie Dean:

It's so important and so many people just aren't nowadays. I feel.


When you had that breakup, was it just like a clean break or how did it go? Did you remain friends? Did you have any closure?

Ellie Dean:

We both wanted to break up. I was doing it because I was really anxious and I felt like I was almost like destroying the relationship because I had a lot of issues but I couldn't. I thought it was from my other past relationships, but I now realise it was just actually the relationship that I was in and he wanted to break up, to go on new adventures, which I then to your friend, sorry, new adventures over to the other room in the apartment.

Ellie Dean:

Sorry, that's so rough, that's so mean, yeah, but, and when he broke up with me he was really. He broke up with me over the phone and he said some really mean things about me, which I think he can admit now that he was just blatantly horrible to me when he broke up with me. So, but he was like, oh, let's still be friends. And I was like, obviously not yeah, are you crazy, you know, you can't be friends with an ex anyway, like doesn't work.

Ellie Dean:

No, you just can't be friends with an ex like why would you want to be?


yeah, also like when you see them with somebody else, like I think it'd be so hard to just be like cool, even if it's maybe after years and years and years and years.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah but still not friends.


I think like civil yeah I also think it's a bit of a touchy one, too when you like have a new boyfriend or something or a new partner, and then you're friends with your ex, because it's a bit of a touchy one too when you like have a new boyfriend or something or a new partner and then you're friends with your ex because it's like I don't know.


I would find that really I would not be boyfriend girlfriend with someone who's friends with their ex yeah, hell, no, absolutely not, because you'd be like I don't know.


No, you've seen them naked.

Ellie Dean:

No, just no unless you have like a kid together, you should not be talking to that woman yeah, exiled, block, delete, move on genuinely pretty much yeah what do you do, um, when you have a breakup with like social media?


are you blocking them on everything? Are you deleting old texts? Do you have any like go-to things?

Ellie Dean:

I now block them because not in like even a nasty way, like even if it ended amicably, you don't want any reminders that they're alive yeah, fair. You just don't want to know what they're doing. Like you don't want to, you can scroll and then their face just randomly pops up and then you could be thinking about them for three hours just because of that photo and it's like why are you doing that to yourself? Just to like almost feel pride and like make them feel better about the situation too. Like just cut it off for a bit, like maybe, maybe unblock them after six months or a year, when you actually are over the situation and you don't want to have some sort of beef with them.


I think it would be hard for your exes because you're on social media now. You're popping up everywhere. I was like you popped up on mine, so imagine if your ex was on.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, I have thought about that but that's kind of haha though to be fair yeah, that's, that's that problem, yeah you're like sorry, I just can't help it and actually he said to me that no one cares about my TikTok when I started off my TikTok, so they do care jokes on him yeah, there we go. It motivated me, though. When we broke up, I was like, I'll show you that's so nice.


That is a nice thing. This, like this podcast, was basically formed on a breakup both different ones but that's how we kind of started, because it gives you that kick. It does To be like I'm going to be the best the best I can be.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah for sure. And I kind of took the opportunity to then start talking about breakups on my TikTok and like breakup stuff on TikTok always does so well. So that's literally how my page started from the breakup.


So what would you when you were talking about it, what would you do like advice?

Ellie Dean:

on I would you know when, because it was during lockdown that I started and it was just like little clippy things so I would just make like funny little snippet stuff and I was so open. I look back now and I actually cringe about the things that I posted because I just had absolutely no filter. But I, I don't regret it, I can't complain. Like it's got me here now. I don't have to work a nine to five now, so living the dream the come up is always cringe.


That's what it is, once you made it who cares? So how did you find?

Ellie Dean:

out about the friend she told me she messaged me on instagram, like just letting you know that I'm seeing your ex, yeah, my ex was it like a long time I didn't want to know, like after she told me that, I was like I'd rather not know anything about it and I feel like they had been seeing each other for quite a while, because when I saw her last, we all met up as a group. He had seen my instagram story, like he'd watched it, even though he doesn't follow me and I don't check who views my like story a lot but I was like that's weird, like maybe he just checks it regularly and I just yeah, I didn't notice.

Ellie Dean:

But now I'm thinking, oh, they're actually seeing. They're like they were seeing each other at the time if that makes sense, I get you, I get you yeah, do you?

Ellie Dean:

have a friendship breakup with her, then yeah, well, when she sent me the message, I like deaded it then and there I was like no, obviously because I admitted like they are more suited than me and my ex were, because we were two pretty much completely different people. We weren, weren't good friends but we weren't compatible in like an actual relationship. Like, as I said, I'm quite kooky, he's quite basic and boring and she's also kind of basic and boring, and I can say that because he used to call her basic and boring anyway. So it's like he's realized I don't like him, sorry.


What a, what a pussy.


As if he like said but that's what they do, they like. They talk such shit about people they actually have crushes on yeah, I don't understand like he could have just said nothing.

Ellie Dean:

That's why I was suspicious. Also, I was like, why are you like chatting so much shit about her, like why does she bother you that much? But there were other little things that he used to complain about all the time too, and I was like, oh, it's just one of those things. But then I look back now and I'm like oh, it's a crush yeah yes, did you have any pleasure?


with him.

Ellie Dean:

He came around to like pick up his stuff and we went for a walk and like had a chat, um, but I because he said he just wanted to like go on new adventures, and I'm like not dumb. I was like what are these new adventures? Then? Like, what can you not do with me because I'm not being funny, I'm more fun than you.

Ellie Dean:

So yeah, fair so I was like basically got it out of him that he just wanted to sleep with other women and his dad cheated on his mum. So he said he didn't want to be his dad.

Ellie Dean:

Oh, fuck off like yeah, and then after that obviously I was like I'm not gonna be friends with you, I just don't want to associate myself with you at all now. So we kind of ended it there. I was on a podcast because I used to do a podcast with work and we had to like send our exes a form to fill in about like reviewing our relationship and what would it work?


that's so fun yeah, maybe you should. Yeah, maybe I should send it to my ex-husband. You got got ex-husband Another time. Yeah, so what form? What work?

Ellie Dean:

I don't even remember like what was on the form. Obviously his answers were pretty boring as well, and I actually said that to him.

Ellie Dean:

But yeah, he was really nice on the form. So at least what did he say? Well, it was like her personality was like 10 out of 10, and it was just, he was just quite nice in it. And I was like, and you had to say from one to ten, how much do you miss them? And he was like, sorry, but I'm not answering that. Oh, and I was like okay, but now I'm thinking, oh, maybe he, he was already dating my housemate then and that's why he didn't want to yeah, maybe, maybe why not just like say zero, then yeah, or say I don't want to fill in the form.

Ellie Dean:

Surely you do that? Yeah, his actions just don't make sense. Where is the form? Um, you want this form, I want this form I don't remember what was on it. I'll have to like find it please I'll have to, because it was a tiktok trend, like back in the day people were like seven forms, so the x's and the c what they'd like, seven forms. So their ex doesn't see what they'd like reply back, so he didn't want on the podcast yeah, that would be interesting.


What do you actually think of me like? Yeah because I feel like the especially like in the situationship okay, maybe not even an ex, but be so interesting in a situationship to see their take on you. Because, like, obviously whenever I've been in a situation ship, I've been like obsessed by this man right but they're obviously not obsessed by me. So what is?


it's true, like I want to know if they care if I'm dead or alive do you care if your exes are dead or alive? Kind of kind of you or your ex-husband. I'd love to just see them with their receded hairline and with them gaining weight. That's a big fantasy of mine that's so weird.


You said that without even like blinking.


You're like yeah waiting for it to happen, casting a spell. I mean, it's men, they age like milk.

Ellie Dean:

It'll happen tomorrow not all of them no it's like a silver fox, yeah, but they, them. You can't get a silver fox yeah. But they're probably rich if they're a silver fox.


Exactly, we need men to do a bit more skincare because they age really quickly from all the misbehaviour. That's true.


And the stress, yeah, stress Because of the stress of being a bad person. Yeah, it does age you. Yeah, it does age you. I mean, no, you have such a bad view on men. You're like anti-men, we're not anti-men.

Ellie Dean:

I mean, that's fine, it's fine. Men are anti-women.


That's true. Yeah, they are. They are so anti-women.


Most of them are yeah. So from your breakup, what's?

Ellie Dean:

been your biggest takeaway. As we were saying, like we just don't need men anymore, like a relationship is not fundamental, it's just it should help you grow and, like enhance your life, but it shouldn't complete you, and I feel like a lot of people still do that, like without being in a relationship, they don't feel like they're whole, whereas now I just don't care it's just an adding.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, it's like the salt and pepper exactly like if it comes, and like they make me happier and I feel like they make me more confident and I do more things with them and I push myself out of my comfort zone more and they help me achieve my dreams. Cool, but if not, I can do all those things anyway. I don't need you for money, I don't need you for like emotional meat, like what's the support, yeah.

Ellie Dean:

Emotional support okay. Obviously I want someone for emotional support. It would be nice, but I've now got to a place where I can manage things on my own or you're strong enough to manage it on your own or just go to therapy, like most men should do.

Ellie Dean:

But yeah, that's what I've learned from the breakup breakup and I guess you choose a relationship based on what you've learned from being a child and your relationship with your parents, and that's what I'm very much learning at the moment whilst in therapy, because I think I'd analyze my relationship with my dad a lot, thinking that's where the issues have come from. But you also need to like analyze your relationship with your mom, and I actually had never done that, so that's what well, I'm so confused.


So do you? Would you be now picking men that are similar to like your dad when you're in a relationship, do you mean?

Ellie Dean:

I thought I was picking men that were similar to my dad and that's where my issues were coming from. But since being in therapy, I had never really looked at the negative sides of my relationship with my mum and everyone's going to have negative sides of any relationship. But when it's your parents like they've literally raised you so those aspects of the relationship you're going to think are normal and they're comfortable to you. So I, because I hadn't seen negative sides of that relationship with my mum, I was then getting into relationships thinking that those negative aspects were normal because they were comfortable to me.

Ellie Dean:

I get it Makes sense yeah, I get it I get it.


That is so insightful because now I'm gonna start analyzing.

Ellie Dean:

You should like. It's nothing against like my mom I still love my mom but it's important to analyze, because it affects your relationship with your friends, romantic relationships, how you are at work, like literally everything.


Yeah, gosh, did you only like think of doing that from therapy?

Ellie Dean:

yeah, for sure, she kind of I went in talking about my dating life and like my past romantic life and then I kind of went on to friends and then she ended a session with I really want to talk about your mum. So then I that week that I had, I was then thinking about the relationship that I'd had with my mum and I was like, oh, I've never seen all these things before what to do and what not to do in your opinion? Are you going?

Ellie Dean:

through heartbreak right now okay, don't go off the rails, good start, yeah. Uh, don't immediately get into another relationship. Um, maybe I was gonna say don't reveal everything online, but I did actually just make a whole income from it. So if you were serious about it, then fair enough, do it for the bag, yeah basically, why wouldn't you reveal it online?


Just because of them seeing it or because your emotions changed so much? Yeah?

Ellie Dean:

like the stuff that I was posting two, three years ago on my TikTok. I was a completely different person then, like, as you were saying, you're quite recently out of a relationship or like a situation six months ago and you're very much anti-men, and so I was in that mentality and I was just posting anything and everything. So when I look back now I'm like, oh God, like I don't think I should have said some of the things that I did, but at the end of the day, I'm not the voice of reason. Like you can have a different opinion to me, and that's what I kind of think with the stuff that I'm posting now, like it's just my opinion, you can have your own. Yeah, stuff that I would do, like journaling, um helps a lot talking to friends, so like sending like long ass voice notes to your friends I always find that's really helpful.

Ellie Dean:

Um, just, I actually like meditating, to be honest, because I am quite an anxious person in my thoughts especially after a breakup you tend to be like over analyzing everything, so finding a way to like just shut your mind off and kind of recenter yourself is really nice.


How do you do that? Because if I, if I just close my eyes, I would still have the thoughts you know going everywhere yeah, it's practice.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, it doesn't come easy. Like it takes a good month, I think, of like consistent meditating, to be able to then, yeah, do you have like an app or something?


and then you listen to the app and it guides you or what yeah, I have calm.

Ellie Dean:

I think I have.

Ellie Dean:

I've heard of that, yeah, yeah and I would say therapy now, because I should have gone to therapy like after my first ever relationship to then make me realize what I was doing wrong, because I then spent another four years just making the same mistakes, thinking that this person was better and it was going to be different, but I actually hadn't fully fixed myself. I know therapy is expensive. A lot of people say it's expensive. But if you go once every two weeks, it maybe will cost you like a hundred pounds a month. And like how much do you spend on alcohol to forget about your problems? Like, let's be real, like people will literally spend a hundred pounds a week, a weekend, just to go out and forget about their issues.


So you can take a little bit back from that to go to therapy twice a week so that's more impactful, you know exactly like long term, yeah, and a lot healthier physically and mentally, so yeah and if you're a girl, just get the boys to buy you drinks when you're out, and so use the money in therapy. Get them to buy you the drinks put in the graft.


You walk up to them, no, you walk up to them somehow get them to splash the cash. That's true. I feel like it would be rude if we didn't ask you about some questions about Love Island, of course. Who do you think out of the couples right now will be the first ones to break up, in your opinion?

Ellie Dean:

oh, um, who have we got? We've got Casey and Gabby Alma and Sammy Curtis. And who have we got? We've got casey and gabby alma and sammy curtis, and I can see who else is that grace and oh yeah, grace and luca they're really attractive together yeah, they're so sexy they are they're both attractive anyway, so together they're stunning. Um and the oh oh, catherine and omar. Yeah, we never see them.


Yeah, I didn't even answer the question sorry, you haven't answered my question, but you already um? I actually don't know okay, I'll ask you a different question that you might know of. Do you think anybody in the villa that you like have seen um? You know, through doing like your you know investigation, um broke up for it specifically like broke up to go on uh, what like ronnie and harriet? Yeah, or what was the thing about curtis? Didn't he break up with his girlfriend?

Ellie Dean:

oh, yeah, he did. Did you not see that like what she said?


yeah, yeah, yeah she.

Ellie Dean:

She was like saying all the stuff, so yeah, curtis apparently broke up with her once to go back on Love Island games and like pressured her to do it because they said that it was like for their relationship and gaining money for like their future family or whatever. And then apparently he got approached for Love Island All-Stars last year but she was like done with like faking breakups just so he could go back on tv and then, because he knew that this time, that's when he actually like completely deaded it off and then went on love island all-stars that's terrible, especially when you're like family.


You're adding this false hope that it's for our family, yeah, that's so mean.


Imagine her as well having to watch like him graft even if they did fake breakup yeah, I know exactly.

Ellie Dean:

Apparently she said she had psychological, like trauma from the situation of having to like hide everything, but like not surprising if you'd have to watch your boyfriend flirting with other women on TV, knowing that you're actually still together.


You would be thinking that you wouldn't be getting. I would not be. I wouldn't be thinking that we'd be getting back together. I would be thinking like, oh my God, he's going to fall in love and that will be it, because they do look like they fall in love, don't they?

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, I guess you kind of if you're stuck with someone in a house, there is going to be some sort of feelings there, but I guess when you leave and you're actually in the real world, it wouldn't be that hard for those feelings just to go, because you're back in your natural environment and you know what's his name Jack, is it Jack? Jack, jack and Joanna yes, yes, have you seen about that? So they actually confirmed their relationship recently. But he went on Love Island Games in 2023 and they were like apparently a thing around that time too. And then Joanna went on Love Island All Stars and then they'd been seen in similar places together for like quite a long time. But they've only just officially confirmed their relationship. So it does kind of look like they're both fake to break up or have never actually fully confirmed their relationship, just so they could go back on the shows.


God, it's such a rough world actually.


It's so calculated, it is.


So you don't think anyone's going to break up, or what would your guess be? I reckon they will, but who would your first, the first one to do it, be Sammy and Elmo, I think. So, yeah, see, I would say more like I don't know who, I would say actually.

Ellie Dean:

I don't know. Yeah, it's hard to tell. I would say Curtis and Ekin, but I feel like they both love the drama and they love the theatrics and I feel like that's why people don't think it's genuine, because they're too theater kids.


That's what it is. They're passionate.

Ellie Dean:

Yeah, they play. I feel like they do play up for the cameras a lot, so that's why people think it's fake, but that's yes. Yeah, they're theater kids like that's what they're. They love it. They love love the drama.


So We've learned so much from you, seriously, really.


Yes, yeah, thank you so much for coming on honestly. Oh, thank you, I love yapping.


You've got to do this again when you're back with a yes, barcelonian husband.

Ellie Dean:

Fingers crossed, yeah, fingers crossed, yeah. I will be coming back in May, back in July. So perfect, we're gonna date.


We're gonna have a hot girl summer date yes, that's true.

Ellie Dean:

Yes, for sure, but thank you for having me. I've been loved in this lovely little room and it smells lovely, so it's nice you.

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